LHPUSD participated in the Transcend Rural School Design program during the 2021-2022 school year. 10 school districts, throughout the US, participated in a 10 month program to redesign learning in their schools. The LHPUSD Core Team met with over 70 students, parents, alumni and staff to learn how they experienced the school system. The Core Team developed graduate aims, LEAPS to 21st century learning as well as a vision for this work. For more detail, click here.
Staff is currently learning about the 6 design principles of place-based learning which will anchor this redesign work. An expert from the San Mateo County Office of Education is working with staff each month to share these principles. In the spring, all teachers will plan and implement a unit of place-based learning in their classrooms.
Place-based learning engages learners in their local heritage, culture and surroundings and uses it as a foundation for the study of different subject matters. Integrating content to address authentic community challenges or problems engages our young people in learning that matters.