The LHPUSD Board of Trustees met for their regularly scheduled board meeting on October 14th and held the first “Listening Session” focused on the impact of return to in-person learning on students and families. The parents and community members who shared their stories with me and the board are appreciated.
Important Actions of the Board on 10/14/2021:
The school board took action to declare that while housing is a critical need in our community the school board will not continue to pursue workforce housing at this time. School board member comments encouraged other community agencies to pursue this important need. The district has no plans to sell any district property at this time.
The school board approved three new courses for Pescadero High School. Creative Writing, Statistics and Environmental Studies will be added to the Course of Study and the schedule in the Spring.
The school board approved the adoption of StemScopes Curriculum to be used for middle school science.
The board committed to the following actions this month:
Amy and Renee will research best practices for streaming live board meetings to the public. Any techies out there? Give us a call!
Take action on hiring a communications consultant to support the district in developing a communications plan tailored to meet the needs of a rural community.
Please mark your calendar! The November meeting has been changed from November 18th to November 15th due to schedule conflicts.