The LHPUSD Board of Trustees met October 12th for a regularly scheduled board meeting. The following issues were discussed:
An increase to the PreK fees was discussed and will be brought to a vote at the November meeting. Fees have not been raised in several years and an increase is necessary to keep up with rising program costs.
Progress regarding the extension of CSA-11 water to the Pescadero Middle and High School was presentedl. A funding application has been submitted to the state for expedited construction of the water pipeline.
The timeline and process for the selection of a new site leader at Pescadero Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year.
The updated 2023-2024 Board Equity Policy was approved.
Trustee Renee Erridge meets with the KPDO radio staff after each meeting and shares a concise review of the meeting. The audio file will be posted to the website when it is complete. The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on November 9th. The meeting will be held in person at La Honda Elementary. The meeting will also be broadcast over Zoom for community members to watch remotely.