Have you ever wondered if you can start your own club? You can!
See Mr. Ash, Mr. Phil, or Ms. Margaret for more information!
PMHS would like to encourage the creation of clubs and organizations that are student-created, student-government-approved, and faculty-supported! Currently, we have a number of clubs meeting weekly at PMHS (GSA, Anime Club, Heirs to our Oceans, Cultures Club, and Dos Voces), but there is always room for more! A new club needs a name, a mission, goals, a short Constitution, four interested students, and a faculty member. There is now a Club Packet that students and teachers can use to start a club, that packet will be announced to students, presented on a bulletin board, and shared with all students! Clubs are so important to our student's access to college and career, clubs help students develop social and organizational skills!