La Honda and Pescadero Sign

Our LHPUSD Core Team met last week in Austin, TX to learn about the next steps in our design process. We are excited to kick off the Phase 2 Design Team work!

Meeting #1 March 16, 2022 

2:30-4:00 pm 

Memorial Park in Loma Mar

Meeting #2 March 31, 2022

Time TBD

District Office 

Community Workshop and Exhibition

Saturday, date TBD

10:00am -12:00pm

Our first pilot activity is related to place-based learning. We seek interested individuals who are interested in learning more about place-based learning and how they might participate in our pilot. 

Why Place-Based Learning?

We live, work and learn in one of the most beautiful places in the world. During the first phase of our Transcend work, we learned that our students, teachers and parents value and love our  environment and seek opportunities for learning to be more relevant. Students want to learn about things that matter to them and will help them be successful in their future. Place-based learning allows students and teachers to engage in learning that is directly related to their community. 

What is Place-Based Learning?

Place-based education is a student-centered form of learning that heavily emphasizes inquiry into topics of importance in the community. The community becomes the classroom as students learn more about a local issue and learn from local experts. It supports the goals of increasing student engagement, boosting academic outcomes, impacting communities and promoting understanding of the world around us. 

Who Can Join the Design Team? 

Anyone and everyone! The Design Team is open to the school community of staff, family members, students and interested community members. The Design Team will meet twice between now and April 8th to support the pilot, look at data and make recommendations for next steps. 

If you are interested but unable to attend these meetings, there will be future opportunities through June to participate in additional design teams. 

RSVP: If you are interested in joining the Design Team #1, please fill out this form by Monday, March 14th, so that we can plan logistics and parking.