La Honda Educational Foundation logo
La Honda Educational Foundation (LHEF) is a team of LHE parents who want to make a difference for our kids. We meet monthly to plan fundraisers to directly benefit LHE students and decide on how to spend the funds raised. We are looking for parents who want to volunteer, brainstorm ideas, and raise money for LHE students. No set commitment or pressure; just do what you can.

LHEF raises money for annual teacher allowance, garden instructor and program, after school enrichment programs (i.e. food lab, lego lab, yoga, music, etc.), math aide, physical education equipment, and field trips. (Some of these came to a halt during Covid, but we hope to be running as usual some day soon.) 

The community fundraising events we host include Harvest Dinner, Spaghetti Dinner, Christmas Tree Sales, Movie Nights, Annual Fund Drive, and Coastside Gives.

Reasons to get involved:

  • Have a say in where fundraising dollars are dispersed.
  • Meet fellow LHE parents.
  • Plan fun events to help our LHE students and community.
  • Socialize and have fun!
If interested in volunteering or for more information, please reach out to the LHEF president, Tanya Robinette at